I feel like I haven't actually talked to you guys in forever which is really sad because a lot has been going on recently.
If you follow me on twitter, if you don't click
here, then you'll know that I've recently partnered with
Causes International! I'm doing a paid internship there where I'm handling the technology, creative, and social media aspects of the company, which is right up my ally. It's seriously so much fun and the organization is so amazing.
To keep it short and sweet, Causes International is an organization that Upcycles electronics, meaning that they give them another life, and the revenue they get from that goes to a nonprofit organization of your choice. How cool!
I'm working on a lot of really awesome projects with them that will be going live really soon, definitely before we all head back to school.
I absolutely love working in the Causes International office. Everyone is so nice, I'm respected and treated as an adult, my opinions matter and I feel generally accepted. Plus, it's nice that I can be "financially independent" to a degree. Either way, working for this company is absolutely amazing. I couldn't ask for a better job, a better environment, a better boss, everything.
Again, please check out their website (click
here). I'll be going into more detail about the company and the projects I'm working on with them once they launch.
I've also been getting ready to go back to school! I've done a few videos in my Back to School Basics series, if you haven't seen them
here's the first one, which is a total blast. I love Back to School season, and I absolutely love the fall. I'm so excited for tights and coats and boots and crunchy leaves and the seasonal drinks at Starbucks. Massachusetts is gorgeous all year round, but especially so in the fall.
Yes, I just revealed the state that I live in. Honestly, the Causes International site is based in MA and, even though I don't live in the town that the office is based in, I still live in that state. Duh. So yeah, no biggie.
What else has been going on?
There's so much amazing stuff coming up in my world for the rest of 2012, it's so exciting. Let me lay it down for you.
September 1st: Doctor Who Series Series 7 returns to BBC and this season is going to be kickass. I'll cry when the Ponds leave because I freaking love them, but this season is probably going to be my favorite season since Rose. But I don't know yet.
September 21st: PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER OH MY GOD. If you haven't read Perks, please do. It's one of the best books in the world and it's truly one of my favorites. I'll have to make a favorite books post, but that's definitely on the list. Anyway, the movie is coming out and Emma Watson is in it and she's one of my biggest role models ever and, according to the trailer, it seems they're sticking to the book really well and I'm just so excited.
Sometime in September: How I Met your Mother comes back and that show is freaking hilarious.
Sometime in October: American Horror Story returns. This show is, hands down, my favorite american television show. It's really scary, it screws with your mind, it changes your view on the entire world, Evan Peters is in it and he is hella sexy, so it's awesome.
Those shows run for the rest of the year, I think until May or something.
The rest of the year I'll be doing this stuff:
My birthday is January 8th
IMATS NY is April 6th (I think)
I'll be seeing Johanna when I go to NY
I'll be travelling to see Amanda/she'll be travelling to see me.
The sequel to "Miss Peregrines home for Peculiar Children" is coming out around February, I think.
The Bling Ring is coming out eventually (another Emma Watson film)
I dunno, a lot of stuff is happening in my nerd world and it's thrilling.
Plus, in the beauty world, the fall 2012 makeup & fashion collections are absolutely to die for, but I'll save that for another post.
So that's basically what's been up with me!
Talk to you all soon!