Beauty + Fashion + Lifestyle blogger.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Project Get Fit- Round 2?

Well it has been a stressful 5 days since we've last spoken! I think I'm going to stick with this formatting for blog posts because it's a bit easier, honestly.

Anyway, as you can tell by the title, Project Get Fit is back again! This time, I'm going to be working out less and eating healthier. I don't have the time, or energy, to go on the treadmill after school. Plus, I walk a LOT during school! Up and down stairs (I go up at least 6 flights of stairs first thing in the morning), and to the "center" next to my school for lunch. Yeah, it's no treadmill, but it's exercise and that's that.

This summer has been a binge eating summer. I've seriously eaten so much crap that it's disgusting and I need to turn my life around, again. Say goodbye to Nutella + Hello to fruit!

You may be wondering how I'm planning to lose weight while not working out. I'm doing something that's tedious, that's frustrating, but I've done it before and I know it works. I'm counting calories with the MyFitnessPal app for iPhone. I've used this before and, while it's a huge pain in the ass, it works.

Here's the catch, it's holiday season for us Jews. And, if you're jewish or have been to a jewish holiday, us jews like to eat. A lot. So it's truly going to be a test of character!

I'm anxious but excited to re-start this adventure all at the same time. I'm currently 145lbs *ugh gross I know* and I'm hoping to get down to 120 by this time next year at the latest.

I'll be updating you guys either monthly or weekly, depending on how much homework + work I have to do! But I'm hoping that at least some of you will do this with me, I hate doing it by myself. If you are, tweet me & keep me updated!

Hopefully the 2nd time will be the charm, eh?


P.S Shana Tova to anyone celebrating Rosh this week!