Beauty + Fashion + Lifestyle blogger.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Night Time Routine

Hello everyone! I was going to do another outfit post today, but I'm honestly too tired to stand there and pose tonight. So I thought I would share with you something I've discussed in one of my classes! I take a wellness class at school (worst decision of my life.) and one thing the teacher asked us was to write down a night time routine. I've had my NTR (see what I did there?) down for a while, so I thought I would share with you what I do!

Mind you, this isn't going to be a product NTR, as I already have a post on that here. While my skincare NTR has changed, that will be a different post at a different time! On with the show!

My night time routine consists of this:

Depending on the weather, I take a loooong bath. Baths are so relaxing and, as a person who's cold 99% of the time, they're quite refreshing. I also take a book with me into the bath as it's a great way to unwind at the end of the day. At the moment, I'm rereading a favorite of mine, I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak. It's a very unique and intellectual book, and I find myself relating to Ed quite a bit. I could do a review on it when I'm finished rereading it!

After that, I take off my makeup (weird how I don't do that first, I know) and change into either some shorts, sweats, or fuzzy pyjamas.

I then go downstairs and make a nice cuppa, then chug along back upstairs, get into bed, and catch up on blogs, YouTube videos, tumblr, and read some good fanfiction. Or I continue reading, depending on the mood.

That's it! A short and sweet post, but I find it interesting what people do to unwind at the end of the day.

Until next time,